Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Diagnosing and treating conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Whether you're recovering from surgery or dealing with chronic pain, orthopedic physical therapy aims to restore function, relieve pain, and improve mobility.
Common Conditions Treated
Back Pain
Joint restrictions, muscle tightness, poor posture, hip tightness, core and hip weakness as well as how we move can all affect pain in our backs. Let’s figure out what’s going on and get you feeling better.
Neck Pain, Headaches and TMJ Dysfunction
These conditions can be separate, but often go together. Let’s untangle the tension and dysfunction in these areas and get back to living life with less pain.
Chronic Pain Management
Techniques and exercises designed to alleviate ongoing pain from conditions like arthritis, neck or back pain and injuries.
Sports Injuries
Addressing issues like sprains, strains, and tendonitis to get athletes back to their peak performance.
Balance Issues and Falls
Addressing weakness in the hips, legs and core and improving the proprioception at the joints can help prevent falls and to live confidently
Treatment Approaches
Manual Therapy
Advanced hands-on techniques to improve joint and tissue mobility and relieve pain.
Posture and Body Mechanics
How we hold our bodies and how we move can significantly impact how we feel.
Therapeutic Exercise
Customized exercise programs to build strength, flexibility, mobility and stability.
Breath Work
How we breathe can affect our pain, posture and muscle tension.
Empowering patients with knowledge about their conditions and preventative strategies..
Cupping, taping, and fascial tools can all be methods to release restrictions and help the body heal faster. Dry needling coming soon!